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Matemática do Planeta Terra

2013-02-01 · última modificação 2013-02-01 06:09
Conferência na Biblioteca Municipal de VN de Cerveira Jorge Nuno Silva proferiu a conferência MPT "Planeta matemático: a Terra" na Biblioteca Municipal de VN de CErveira em 1 de Abril de 2014 2014-04-01
Conferência na Escola Secundária José Saramago Carlos Pereira dos Santos proferiu a conferência MPT "A Matemática do futebol" no dia 12 de Março de 2014 2014-04-01
Matemática do Planeta Terra 2013/14/15/16... MONTREAL, December 11, 2013 – On January 1, 2014, the international project “Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013” (MPE2013) will continue as “Mathematics of Planet Earth” (MPE). The objectives remain unchanged – identify fundamental research questions about Planet Earth and reach out to the general public. MPE2013 was the brainchild of Christiane Rousseau, professor of mathematics at Université de Montréal and vice-president of the International Mathematics Union. As Prof. Rousseau observed, “Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 has been a great start and the level of cooperation demonstrated by MPE2013 is unprecedented. But identifying the research problems is not enough. Mathematics moves slowly, the planetary problems are very challenging, and we cannot expect great results in just one year.” According to Irina Bokova, Director-General of UNESCO, “The Mathematics of Planet Earth (MPE) initiative resonates strongly with UNESCO’s work to promote the sciences and science education, especially through our International Basic Sciences Programme. Mathematics advances fundamental research and plays an important role in our daily lives. More than ever we need to develop relevant learning materials and to spark in every student, especially girls, a sense of joy in the wondrous universe of mathematics and the immense potential unleashed by this discipline. In this spirit, we commend this initiative and fully endorse the proposal to continue this programme beyond 2013.” 2013-12-11
O Circo Matemático visitou a Mina de Ciência - Centro de Ciência Viva do Lousal em 31/8/2013. O Circo Matemático visitou a Mina de Ciência - Centro de Ciência Viva do Lousal em 31/8/2013. --- 2013-12-02
O Circo Matemático visitou o Centro Ciência Viva de Vila do Conde (22/9/2013) No dia 22/9/2013 o Circo Matemático visitou o Centro Ciência Viva de Vila do Conde. António Machiavelo proferiu uma conferência antes do espectáculo do CM! --- 2013-12-02
O Circo Matemático visitou o Exploratório, Centro Ciência Viva Coimbra (21/9/2013) No dia 21/9/2013 o Circo Matemático visitou o Exploratório, Centro Ciência Viva Coimbra. --- 2013-12-02