Saturday, 24th January
9:30 – Opening Session
10:00 – Mathemagic
_ José Paulo Viana, Escola Secundária de Vergílio Ferreira
10:30 – Meno's slave, Lichtenberg, and bees don't need formulas!
Carlos Pereira dos Santos, CEAFEL, Alda Carvalho, ISEL, Jorge Nuno Silva, CIUHCT-UL
11:00 – Coffee-Break
11:30 – Early topological puzzles
_ David Singmaster, London South Bank University
12:00 – The History of Mathematics in the classroom – a recreational approach
_ Helder Pinto, CIDMA - University of Aveiro
12:30 – Cards with memory
_ Ricardo Lopes & Carolina Martins, Students, University of Lisbon
12:45 – Speedcubing: taking the Rubik's cube to the next level
_ Vasco Vasconcelos, Student, ULisboa
13:00 – Break for lunch
14:30 – Planets, solids, curves, and myths
_ Carlota Simões, University of Coimbra
15:00 – On the relative value of chess pieces and their combinations
Pedro Palhares, CIEC, Institute of Education, University of Minho
15:30 – The recreational Gerdes
_ Jorge Nuno Silva, CIUHCT-UL
16:00 – Coffee-Break
16:30 – The games tree and arborescence
_ Ilda Perez, ULisboa
17:00 – Mathematics of deaf young children
Laura Nunes, DMCE, CED Jacob Rodrigues Pereira \ Casa Pia de Lisboa
Carlos Pereira dos Santos, CEAFEL, Alda Carvalho, ISEL, Jorge Nuno Silva, CIUHCT-UL
17:15 – Latin Erdos, a mathematical app
_ Fábio Rito,ULisboa, Bruno Fernandes, ULisboa, Jorge Nuno Silva CIUHCT-UL
17:30 – Knight's tours and its history
_ Joaquim Eurico Nogueira, New University of Lisbon
18:00 – Welcome Cocktail
Sunday, 25th January
9:30 – Digital clock festival
_ Aviezri S Fraenkel, Weizmann Institute of Science
10:00 – Kindergarten activities for early mathematics
_ Ricardo Teixeira, University of Azores, Carlos Pereira dos Santos, CEAFEL
10:30 – Edwinn Abbott Abbott and the fourth-dimensional world
_ Tereza Bártlová, Charles University
11:00 – Coffee-Break
11:30 – An interesting flipping puzzle
_ Colin Wright, Liverpool Mathematical Society
12:00 – Hands-on symmetry
_ Andreia Hall, University of Aveiro
12:30 – When in Lisbon, look at the pavement!
_ Alda Carvalho, ISEL, Carlos P. Santos, CEAFEL
_ Ricardo Teixeira, UA, Jorge Nuno Silva, CIUHCT-UL
13:00 – Break for lunch
Open Show
16:00 - Círculo Mágico de Lisboa
17:10 - Mathematical Circus - Open Show
Monday, 26th January
09:30 – Street Maths: What’s the chance of that?
_ Steve Humble, Newcastle University
10:00 – Raising public awareness of Mathematics: outreach@EMS
_ Jorge Buescu, ULisboa
10:30 – Bold play and timid play with multiple payoffs
_ Cristina Serpa, ULisboa, Jorge Buescu, ULisboa
11:00 – Coffee-Break
11:30 – Unusual problems that can be solved using chess pieces and a chessboard
_ Yossi Elran, Weizmann Institute of Science
12:00 – Atractor's software for mathematics - AtrMini and GeCla
_ Ana Cristina Oliveira, Atractor
13:00 – Break for lunch
16:00 – Social Program (Downtown Lisboa)
20:00 – Conference Dinner
Tuesday, 27th January
09:30 – Sudokus for mathematicians
_ António Machiavelo, University of Porto
10:00 – Mathematical glazed tiles (azulejos) in Portugal
_ Henrique Leitão, CIUHCT-UL, Samuel Guessner, CIUHCT-UL
10:30 – Why can't we visualize beyond three dimensions?
_ Rogério Martins, New University of Lisbon
11:00 – Coffee-Break
11:30 – The mathematical problems of Almada Negreiros
_ Pedro Freitas, ULisboa
12:00 – Right angle proof + Negative prices in supermarkets
_ Adam Atkinson
12:30 – A look at De Viribus Quantitatis and it's author Luca Pacioli
_ Tiago Hirth, MUHNAC
13:00 – Break for lunch
14:30 – Mathematics in the making
_ Maria do Céu Soares, NUL, Maria de Fátima Rodrigues, NUL
_ Gracinda Guerreiro, NUL, Nelson Chibeles, NUL, Susana Baptista, NUL
15:00 – 2-player Tower of Hanoi
_ Urban Larsson, Dalhousie University
15:30 – Mathematics and fiber arts: knitting, crochet and cross-stitch
_ Maria do Carmo Martins, University of Azores
_ Helena Sousa, University of Azores, Sandra Vinagre, University of Evora
16:00 – Coffee-Break
16:30 – Portuguese Mathematical Olympiads
_ Alexander Kovacec, University of Coimbra
17:00 – Where mathematics ends
_ Fernando Lima, Círculo Mágico de Lisboa
17:15 – Ideal, a new abstract game for three players
_ Bernardo Fernandes (Student), ULisboa, Hugo Almeida (Student), ULisboa,
_ Jorge Mendonça (Student), ULisboa
17:30 – Closing Session