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2012-10-15 · última modificação 2015-01-15 11:16

Wednesday, 3rd April

8:30– Welcome and registration

9:15 – Opening Session

9:30 – Writing systems and games: a curious marriage in the western Pacific (BGS+RM)
_          Alex Voogt, American Museum of Natural History

10:30 – Counting with counters: Gerbert's abacus (BGS+RM)
_             Jorge Nuno Silva, University of Lisbon

11:00 – Coffee-Break

11:30 – An update to the multilated chessboard (BGS+RM)
_            Colin Wright, Liverpool Mathematical Society (Invited Speaker)

12:30 – Quadratum (BGS+RM)
_            Helena Melo, University of Azores & CMATI

13:00 – Break for lunch

14:30 – Solving dotty problems – an introduction to graph theory   
_             Robin Wilson, Open University (Invited Speaker)

15:30 – Mathematics of soccer
_             Alda Carvalho, ISEL & CEMAPRE/ISEG

16:00 – Coffee-Break

16:30 – The Humble-Ehrhends triangle mistery   
_             Jorge Buescu, University of Lisbon

17:00 – Symmetry groups: identifying patterns in Azorean heritage
_             Vera Moniz, University of Azores

17:30 – The Golden Ratio - from Euclid to Almada Negreiros
_            Carlota Simões (Invited Speaker)

18:30 – Break Time

19:00 – 20:00 Welcome Cocktail

Thursday, 4th April

9:30 – Piet Hein & the murder of NIM (BGS+RM)
_          Thane Plambeck (Invited Speaker)

10:30 – What is a «good» board game? (BGS+RM)
_            Carlos Pereira dos Santos, ISEC

11:00 – Coffee-Break

11:30 – Three new math-games for experiencing the interplay between algebra,
_             geometry, and symmetry (BGS+RM)
_             Oliver Labs, Universität des Saarlandes (Invited Speaker)

12:30 – Ancient egyptian boardgames: an historical account (BGS+RM)
_             Joaquim Eurico Nogueira, New University of Lisbon

13:00 – Break for lunch

15:00 - Social

Friday, 5th April

09:00 – Order in the ranks (BGS+RM)
_             Pedro J. Freitas, University of Lisbon (Invited Speaker)

10:00 – Coffee-Break

10:30 – Mathematical Circus (Open to All)
_             Ludus Association

11:10 – Presentation of Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 (Open to All)
_             Carlota Simões, University of Coimbra, Ana Paula Garrão, University of Azores

11:20 – Presentation of Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 (Open to All)
_             Jorge Nuno Silva, José Francisco Rodrigues, University of Lisbon

11:40 – Presentation of Mathematics of Planet Earth 2013 (Open to All)
_             Ricardo Teixeira, University of Azores

12:00 – Magic Show (Open to All)
_            Lennart Green, World Champion close-up/card Magician (Invited)

13:00 – Break for lunch

14:30 – Lewis Carroll in Numberland
_             Robin Wilson, Open University (Invited Speaker)

15:30 – Problem solving through crafts and challenges
_            Marie Stephanie Cabral, University of Azores

16:00 – Coffee-Break

16:30 – Treason strategies
_            João Cabral, University of Azores

17:00 – Jogo do Paralelo
_            Raquel Faria, University of Azores

17:30 – Can mathematical exhibitions be recreational?
_            José Francisco Rodrigues, University of Lisbon

18:00 – Contest «Um conto que contas»
_            Helena Melo, University of Azores & CMATI


18:30 – Interesting Announcements
_            Jorge Nuno Silva, Carlos Santos, Ludus Association

19:30 – Conference Dinner

Saturday, 6th April

09:30 – Game profiling (BGS+RM)
_             Richard Nowakowski, Dalhaousie University (Invited Speaker)

10:30 – "Zermelo's Theorem" is called "Zermelo's Theorem" ? (BGS+RM)
_            Lisa Rougetet, University of Science and Technology of Lille

11:00 – Coffee-Break

11:30 – Vanishing area puzzles (BGS+RM)
_            David Singmaster, Retired of London South Bank University (Invited Speaker)

12:30 – Lasker and mathematics (BGS+RM)
_            Jurgen Stigter, TWA  

13:00 – Break for lunch

14:30 – Turning the lights out on graphs
_            António Machiavelo, University of Oporto (Invited Speaker)

15:30 – Counting the number of sudoku's by importance sampling simulation
_            Ad Ridder, University of Amsterdam

16:00 – Combinatorial games and Computability
_            Urban Larsson, University of Gothenburg

16:30 – Closing Session

Organized by…
University of Azores
Departamento de Matemática da Universidade dos Açores
Ludus association
Portuguese Mathematical Society
Ciência Viva