- DICA 2023
- Teacher Training for Chess and Mathematics
- Output of Project CHAMPS (Erasmus+)
- 50 Chess and Mathematics Exercises for Schools
- Output of Project CHAMPS (Erasmus+)
- 50 Exercícios de Matemática e Xadrez para as Escolas
- Documento produzido no âmbito do Projecto Erasmus+ CHAMPS
- Proceedings of the Board Game Studies Colloquium XI
- Este volume contém uma selecção das conferências relativas ao BGS Colloquium XI, realizado no Museu de Ciência da Universidade de Lisboa em Abril de 2008.
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- From Cardboard to Keyboard
- Proceedings of the XVII Annual Colloquium of the International Board Game Studies Association
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- História das Matemáticas na Antiguidade
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- Jogos de Tabuleiro Tradicionais
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- Matemagia - 2ª Edição (2017)
- Autores: Alexandre Silva + Pedro Freitas + Jorge Nuno Silva
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- Proceedings of the Recreational Mathematics Colloquium V (2017)
- Proceedings of the Recreational Mathematics Colloquium V - Gathering for Gardner Europe, held in Lisbon (2017)
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- Proceedings of the Recreational Mathematics Colloquium VI
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- The Plastics Heritage Congress 2019: Proceedings
- Cover_The Plastics Heritage Congress 2019: Proceedings
- Recreational Mathematics Magazine
- Board Game Studies Journal
- RMM - Call for Papers
- Special issue on Pi.
- Jornal de Mathemática Elementar